Gloria Victis


Server PVP Prophecy Of The Five

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011

Isto é para gamer; to falando de quem joga AVP 2010

This is for gamer; talking about who to play AVP 2010

Multiplayer Skins

As you play through the ranked matches of the multiplayer of Aliens vs. Predator, you unlock different skins to play as. Below is a list of those skins. .
Predator Skins

 Skin Title: Dark
Rank Unlocked: 0
Description: The Dark skin is the appearance of your Predator character at the beginning of the single player campaign. It features a mask based on the original Stan Winston mask.

 Skin Title: Claw
Rank Unlocked: 3
Description: Claw is somewhat similar to the Dark skin with basic mask design but Claw is less armored on his body.

Skin Title: Stalker
Rank Unlocked: 9
Description: Stalker seems to be designed around minimalism. His mask doesn’t fully cover his face.

Skin Title: Hunter
Rank Unlocked: 16
Description: Hunter is based on the design from Paul Anderson’s Aliens vs. Predator movie known as Celtic. The name comes from the mask design.

Skin Title: Wolf
Rank Unlocked: 25
Description: The Wolf skin is based on the Predator character from the second AvP movie, Requiem. He features the same mask as was seen in AvP: Requiem and is named as a tribute to Harvey Keitel’s character 
from Pulp Fiction.

Skin Title: Spartan
Rank Unlocked: 31
Description: While the Spartan Predator doesn’t make an appearance in-game, it would be safe to assume from the placement of the skin that he is intended to be between the level of Elite (Wolf) and Lord. He has a similarly unique and ornate mask like that of the Lord.

Skin Title: Lord
Rank Unlocked: 37
Description: This is the mask you obtain in the Predator campaign. It is mask of the very first Predator to defeat an Alien and was found in the burial chamber of BG-386

 Skin Title: Alien
Rank Unlocked: Pre-Order Only
Description: A special mask was created for the most successful Xenomorph Hunter of all time. It brings honor to all who wear it.

Alien Skins 

Skin Title: Warrior
Rank Unlocked: 0
Description: The Warrior skin is based on the variation of Alien found most frequently during the course of single player campaigns. They are based upon the Jim Cameron design of the Alien used in Aliens.

Skin Title: Warrior Dome
Rank Unlocked: 4
Description: The Warrior Dome skin is Warrior skin with various alterations to it. The most obvious of which is the dome added over the ridged head. This gives it a similar appearance to the H.R. Giger designed Alien from Alien. There are also minor alterations to the torso and arms to give it that impression.

Skin Title: Warrior Ridged
Rank Unlocked: 10
Description: The Warrior Ridged skin seems to be based on the AvP Requiem (and slightly on the new design seen in Dark Horse’s recent Aliens series) design. It features those pronounced raised ridges that the latest ADI design has.

Skin Title: Praetorian
Rank Unlocked: 19 
Description: While not the exact same model as featured in the single player campaign, the multiplayer Praetorian skin is the same size as the typical Aliens and features the growing crest that distinguishes the Praetorian from the rest of the Aliens.

Skin Title: Nethead
Rank Unlocked: 34
Description: Nethead is based on the “lead” Alien from Paul Anderson’s Alien vs. Predator movie. The base model is that of the Domed Warrior but with the scars that indicate it was trapped within a Predator’s net.

Skin Title: Number 6
Rank Unlocked: Pre-Order Only
Description: The Number 6 skin was obtainable only by pre-ordering the game. It is essentially the standard Warrior skin, except it has the 6# brand on it that you receive when you play the single player campaign Alien.

Marine Skins 

Skin Title: Franco
Rank Unlocked: 0
Description: This is a generic skin based on one of the AI marines you come 
up against as a Predator or an Alien.

Skin Title: Gibson
Rank Unlocked: 2
Description: This is a generic skin based on one of the AI marines you come up against as a Predator or an Alien.

Skin Title: Connor
Rank Unlocked: 5
Description: This is a generic skin based on one of the AI marines you come up against as a Predator or an Alien.

Skin Title: Moss
Rank Unlocked: 13
Description: This is a generic skin based on one of the AI marines you come up against as a Predator or an Alien.

Skin Title: Johnson
Rank Unlocked: 22
Description: This is a generic skin based on one of the AI marines you come up against as a Predator or an Alien.

Skin Title: Rookie
Rank Unlocked: 28
Description: Rookie is the character you play as in the single player campaign. He’s the strong and silent type, the SP campaign being his first mission with that particular squad.

Skin Title: Van Zandt
Rank Unlocked: 40
Description: In the single player campaign, Van Zandt is the squad leader. He is in the dropship with you at the start of the marine campaign and you’re sent to rescue him from the Refinery.

Skin Title: Kaneko
Rank Unlocked: Pre-Order Only
Description: Veteran of 27 drops, including post-incident quarantine of Fiorina ‘Fury’ 161. Wrote the book on small-scale Xeno containment.

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