Os hackers responsáveis pelo grupo Anonymous declararam guerra contra a fabricante Sony, por causa da ação da empresa em querer restaurar os consoles PlayStation 3 às suas configurações de origem. Os componentes do grupo acusam gravemente a Sony, de infringir a liberdade de expressão.
Através de mensagens ameaçadoras, os hackers dizem que o Anonymous constitui-se em um grupo extenso, e que a Sony deve "esperar pra ver" do que eles são capazes. Na última segunda-feira dia 04 de abril, a home page oficial da empresa havia sido vítima de ataques DoS (Denial-of-Service), atrapalhando bastante a navegação, embora a página não tenha saído do ar. As informações partiram do site PlayStation Life Style.
)))The hackers responsible for the group Anonymous have declared war against the manufacturer Sony, because the share of company in wanting to restore the PlayStation 3 to their default settings. The components of the group seriously accuse Sony of violating freedom of expression.
By threatening messages, the hackers say that Anonymous is in a large group, and that Sony should "wait and see"what they are capable. On Monday April 04, the official home page of the company had been the victim of DoS (Denial of Service), disturbing enough to navigate, although the page has not gone off the air. The information from the website PlayStation LifeStyle.
Hoje trago-vos um update da situação da PSN (PlayStation Network). Provavelmente muitos de vós já viram algo nas notícias e ao que parece é tudo verdade. Na passada terça-feira, dia 19 de Abril, a Sony encerrou a PSN. Ao que parece, isso aconteceu devido a um "intruso" que se terá apropriado de uma quantidade incontável de informação dos cerca de 77 milhões de utilizadores do serviço. A informação, segundo Patrick Seybold, Director para a Comunicação da SCEA (Sony Computer Entertaintment America), vai desde "Nome, Morada, País, Endereço de E-mail, Data de Nascimento, Passwords e Logins da PlayStation Network/Qriocity".
Até aqui nada de extraordinário. A shitstorm ganha proporções épicas quando Seybold afirma que não sabe ao certo "se as informações das compras efectuadas online também foram expostas" -- mais propriamente, se as informações dos cartões de crédito dos utilizadores também foram "sacadas". Como diria o poeta numa situação destas: "All sings point to YES". A Sony afirma ter contratado "uma empresa de segurança de reputação elevada para ajudar os técnicos a resolver o problema" e estes só terminaram a avaliação da falha de segurança algures entre ontem e hoje, tendo a empresa nipónica comunicado o que apurou aos utilizadores.
Como bom americano que é, Kristopher Johns de Birmingham, Estado do Alabama, rapidamente moveu uma Acção Judicial contra a Sony "em nome de todos os utilizadores lesados com a situação", acusando-a de "negligencia no tratamento de dados, incluindo a falha da manutenção da sua Firewall e sistema de segurança e falha ao encriptar dados, guardando-os sem autorização dos utilizadores". Por isto, Johns pede ao Tribunal que ordene o Arguido (Sony) a pagar danos a todos os utilizadores. Johns espera ainda que o tribunal trate este caso como uma Acção Judicial Colectiva, permitindo assim que o Americano represente todos os utilizadores da PSN. Este procura também indemnizações compensatórias, punitivas e por violação, de quaisquer prejuízos, mais juros, assim como custos relacionados com advogados e Tribunais.
Os analistas afirmam que, tendo de pagar, a Sony deverá dar a cada utilizador lesado cerca de $320 (cerca de €220), colocando "o bolo" a 24 mil milhões de dólares...
Today I bring you an update on the situation of the PSN (PlayStation Network). Maybe many of you have seen something on the news and it seems it's all true. This past Tuesday, April 19, Sony closed the PSN. Apparently this happened because of an "intruder" who have seized a countless amount of information about 77 million users of the service. The information, according to Patrick Seybold, Director for Communication of SCEA (Sony Computer entertaintment America), ranging from "Name, Address, Country, Email Address, Date of Birth, Logins and Passwords PlayStation Network / Qriocity.
So far nothing unusual. The shitstorm wins epic proportions when Seybold said he did not know for sure "if the information of purchases online were also exposed" - more properly, the information from the users' credit cards were also "terraces." As the poet would say in this situation: "All sings point to YES". Sony says it has hired "a company of high reputation for security technicians to help solve the problem" and they just finished the evaluation of the security flaw somewhere between yesterday and today and the company found that the nipónica communicated to users.
How good is American, Kristopher Johns of Birmingham, Alabama, quickly filed a lawsuit against Sony "on behalf of all users affected by the situation," accusing it of "negligence in the treatment of data, including failure the maintenance of your firewall and security system and failed to encrypt data, storing it without authorization of users. " Therefore, Johns asks the Court to order the Defendant (Sony) to pay damages to all users. Johns also hopes the court will treat this case as a Class Action, thereby allowing the U.S. to represent all PSN users. It also seeks compensatory damages, punitive damages and for infringement of any damages, plus interest, as well as costs related to lawyers and courts.
Analysts say that having to pay, Sony will give each user damaged about $ 320 (about € 220), placing "the cake" to 24 billion dollars ...
--------------------------------------------------y-----------------------------------------------------So far nothing unusual. The shitstorm wins epic proportions when Seybold said he did not know for sure "if the information of purchases online were also exposed" - more properly, the information from the users' credit cards were also "terraces." As the poet would say in this situation: "All sings point to YES". Sony says it has hired "a company of high reputation for security technicians to help solve the problem" and they just finished the evaluation of the security flaw somewhere between yesterday and today and the company found that the nipónica communicated to users.
How good is American, Kristopher Johns of Birmingham, Alabama, quickly filed a lawsuit against Sony "on behalf of all users affected by the situation," accusing it of "negligence in the treatment of data, including failure the maintenance of your firewall and security system and failed to encrypt data, storing it without authorization of users. " Therefore, Johns asks the Court to order the Defendant (Sony) to pay damages to all users. Johns also hopes the court will treat this case as a Class Action, thereby allowing the U.S. to represent all PSN users. It also seeks compensatory damages, punitive damages and for infringement of any damages, plus interest, as well as costs related to lawyers and courts.
Analysts say that having to pay, Sony will give each user damaged about $ 320 (about € 220), placing "the cake" to 24 billion dollars ...
O blogue oficial da PlayStation revelou novos detalhes sobre o ataque à PlayStation Network.
A Sony remeteu uma carta formal assinada por Kaz Hirai ao Sub-comité de Comércio e Mercado dos Estados Unidos sediado em Washington, que discutiu sobre o assunto e respectivas implicações que advêm do roubo de dados de mais de 70 milhões de pessoas.
Do comunicado oficial da Sony pode-se extrair duas coisas relevantes: a companhia afirma ter sido submetida a um "ataque planificado e muito pessoal" e confirma ter encontrado um ficheiro nos servidores da Sony Online Entertainment chamado "Anonymous" com a frase "We Are Legion". Trata-se do slogan que usa o grupo de ciber-activistas que atacou inicialmente a PSN e que disse há umas semanas não ter nada a ver com este segundo ataque.
A Sony garantiu ao comité que tomou quatro políticas de atuação após o ataque. Primeiro agir com precaução; segundo, oferecer informação ao público quando a mesma for descoberta; terceiro, tomar responsabilidades; e quarto cooperar com as autoridades públicas.
Para além disso, a multinacional afirma que as entidades bancárias com as quais colabora ainda não detectaram casos de fraudes nos seus clientes.
The official PlayStation blog has revealed new details about the attack on the PlayStation Network.
Sony has sent a formal letter signed by Kaz Hirai at the Sub-Committee on Trade and U.S. Market in Washington, who discussed the issue and its implications arising from the theft of more than 70 million people.
The official statement from Sony can draw two important things: the company claims to have undergone a "planned and very personal attack" and confirms that he has found a file on the servers of Sony Online Entertainment called "Anonymous"with the phrase "We Are Legion. "This is the slogan that uses the group of cyber-activists who initially attacked the SSP and said a few weeks that have nothing to do with this second attack.
Sony has assured the committee that took four performance policies after the attack. First to act with caution, and second, providing information to the public when it is discovered and third, take responsibility, and fourth cooperate with public authorities.
In addition, the multinational said that the banks with which it cooperates have not yet detected cases of fraud on its customers.
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